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projects:p2p-next:openvz-config [2011/03/26 21:57]
razvan created
projects:p2p-next:openvz-config [2020/07/20 09:16] (current)
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-= OpenVZ configurations for NCIT Cluster =+====== OpenVZ configurations for NCIT Cluster ======
-* Debian-based (Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 -- Squeeze)+   Debian-based (Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 -- Squeeze) 
 +===== Base system (hardware node) =====
-== Base system (hardware node) ==+  *  add authorized_keys (root@p2p, razvan,marius,adriana,george) and id_rsa{.pub,
 +  *  apt-get install linux-image-2.6-openvz-amd64 vzctl vzdump vzquota 
 +  *  apt-get install lxc-tools 
 +  *  kernel.panic 20, net.ipv4.ip_forward (/etc/sysctl.conf; sysctl -p) 
 +  *  apt-get install watchdog (/etc/watchdog, 'watchdog-device /dev/watchdog', /etc/default/watchdog) 
 +  *  apt-get install sysv-rc-conf 
 +  *  permanent iptables support 
 +    *  /etc/network/iptables.rules 
 +    *  /etc/network/ifup.d/iptables 
 +  *  apt-get install bridge-utils 
 +    *  bridge configuration in /etc/network/interfaces 
 +    *  auto br0 
 +    *  iface br0 inet dhcp 
 +      *  bridge_ports eth0 
 +      *  bridge_stp off 
 +    *  add /etc/init.d/bridgevz 
 +  *  apt-get install nfs-kernel-server 
 +    *  script (cron.hourly) for automatic remount of NFS share (invokes /etc/init.d/nfs-mount) 
 +  *  install and configure NTP 
 +    *  run ntpdate-debian in /etc/cron.hourly/ 
 +  *  (as root and p2p) ln -sf export/cs-p2p-next/
 +  *  (as root and p2p) ln -sf export/p2p-clients/
 +  *  do not fsck on non-root partitions (the sixth field in /etc/fstab is 0) 
 +  *  [[#Heavy | Heavy configuration]]
-* add authorized_keys (root@p2p, razvan,marius,adriana,george) and id_rsa{.pub,+===== Container (OpenVZ) =====
-* apt-get install linux-image-2.6-openvz-amd64 vzctl vzdump vzquota +
-* apt-get install lxc-tools +
-* kernel.panic 20, net.ipv4.ip_forward (/etc/sysctl.conf; sysctl -p) +
-* apt-get install watchdog (/etc/watchdog, 'watchdog-device /dev/watchdog', /etc/default/watchdog) +
-* apt-get install sysv-rc-conf +
-* permanent iptables support +
-** /etc/network/iptables.rules +
-** /etc/network/ifup.d/iptables +
-* apt-get install bridge-utils +
-** bridge configuration in /etc/network/interfaces +
-** auto br0 +
-** iface br0 inet dhcp +
-*** bridge_ports eth0 +
-*** bridge_stp off +
-** add /etc/init.d/bridgevz +
-* apt-get install nfs-kernel-server +
-** script (cron.hourly) for automatic remount of NFS share (invokes /etc/init.d/nfs-mount) +
-* install and configure NTP +
-** run ntpdate-debian in /etc/cron.hourly/ +
-* (as root and p2p) ln -sf export/cs-p2p-next/+
-* (as root and p2p) ln -sf export/p2p-clients/+
-* [[#Heavy | Heavy configuration]]+
-== Container (OpenVZ) ==+==== Bare ====
-=== Bare ===+  *  add contrib non-free to /etc/apt/sources.list 
 +    * -> 
 +  *  apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean 
 +  *  add debian backports ( 
 +    *  use system-update script 
 +  *  add /root/bin to PATH 
 +  *  configure .bashrc (root) 
 +    *  uncomment useful elements in /root/.bashrc
-* add contrib non-free to /etc/apt/sources.list +==== Basic ====
-** -> +
-* apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean +
-* add debian backports ( +
-** use system-update script +
-* add /root/bin to PATH +
-* configure .bashrc (root) +
-** uncomment useful elements in /root/.bashrc+
-=== Basic ===+  *  apt-get install vim-nox htop openssh-server avahi-daemon gawk 
 +  *  apt-get install zip unzip telnet host lynx sudo rsync 
 +  *  apt-get install python 
 +  *  apt-get install less 
 +  *  apt-get install mc tree 
 +  *  public key authentication only for SSH server (PasswordAuthentication no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config); remove files in ~/.ssh/ 
 +    *  StrictHostKeyChecking=no in /etc/ssh/ssh_config 
 +    *  disable SSH reverse DNS search; UseDNS no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
 +  *  apt-get install apt-file sudo 
 +    *  apt-file update 
 +  *  cp /usr/share/vim/vim71/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vim/.vimrc 
 +    *  mkdir -p ~/.vim/bkup 
 +    *  add backupdir, enconding, man page, listchars to ~/.vimrc 
 +    *  /usr/share/vim/vim71/syntax/ (python, bash, tex) 
 +    *  update-alternatives --config editor 
 +    *  add .vim/ și .vimrc /etc/skel 
 +    *  vim ftplugin files (python, shell, tex, java) (~/.vim/ftplugin/)
-* apt-get install vim-nox htop openssh-server avahi-daemon gawk +==== Devel ====
-* apt-get install zip unzip telnet host lynx sudo rsync +
-* apt-get install python +
-* apt-get install less +
-* apt-get install mc tree +
-* public key authentication only for SSH server (PasswordAuthentication no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config); remove files in ~/.ssh/ +
-** StrictHostKeyChecking=no in /etc/ssh/ssh_config +
-** disable SSH reverse DNS search; UseDNS no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config +
-* apt-get install apt-file sudo +
-** apt-file update +
-* cp /usr/share/vim/vim71/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vim/.vimrc +
-** mkdir -p ~/.vim/bkup +
-** add backupdir, enconding, man page, listchars to ~/.vimrc +
-** /usr/share/vim/vim71/syntax/ (python, bash, tex) +
-** update-alternatives --config editor +
-** add .vim/ și .vimrc /etc/skel +
-** vim ftplugin files (python, shell, tex, java) (~/.vim/ftplugin/)+
-=== Devel ===+  *  apt-get install build-essential gdb cscope ctags 
 +  *  apt-get install manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev make-doc glibc-doc-reference 
 +  *  apt-get install ltrace lsof 
 +  *  apt-get install subversion strace git build-essential 
 +  *  apt-get install pkg-config 
 +  *  run git config for p2p and root 
 +  *  hrktorrent/libtorrent-rasterbar 
 +    *  apt-get install libboost-thread-dev libssl-dev 
 +==== Admin ====
-* apt-get install build-essential gdb cscope ctags +   apt-get install nmap tcpdump finger pciutils usbutils lshw 
-* apt-get install manpages-posix manpages-posix-dev make-doc glibc-doc-reference +   apt-get install netcat curl nctftp 
-* apt-get install ltrace lsof +  *  apt-get install iperf 
-* apt-get install subversion strace git build-essential +   apt-get install sysstat 
-* run git config for p2p and root+   apt-get install nfs-common 
 +     nfs-common in /etc/init.d/ (+ "update-rc.d nfs-common defaults 90 10") (run "vzctl set $veid --features nfs:on --save" on HN)
-=== Admin ===+==== Heavy ====
-apt-get install nmap tcpdump finger pciutils usbutils lshw +   Admin + Devel
-* apt-get install netcat curl nctftp +
-* apt-get install iperf +
-* apt-get install sysstat +
-* apt-get install nfs-common +
-** nfs-common in /etc/init.d/ (+ "update-rc.d nfs-common defaults 90 10") (run "vzctl set $veid --features nfs:on --save" on HN) +
- +
-=== Heavy === +
- +
-Admin + Devel+
projects/p2p-next/openvz-config.1301169422.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/26 21:57 by razvan