00:31:06 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

00:32:24 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

00:34:00 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

00:41:25 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

00:41:38 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

00:42:12 alex3f [alex@] entered the room

00:43:44 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

00:55:46 alex3f [alex@]quit IRC

01:09:47 ddvlad [ddvlad@p5.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

01:16:01 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

02:23:07 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

02:48:36 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

05:54:40 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

05:55:06 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

07:22:32 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

07:47:00 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

09:09:06 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

09:40:04 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

10:26:33 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

10:31:57 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

11:47:44 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

11:56:28 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

12:23:48 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

12:23:51 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

13:34:43 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

13:35:59 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

13:38:09 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

16:00:42 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:02:47 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

16:23:59 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:25:43 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

16:32:49 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:33:33 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:40:51 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

17:26:29 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

18:03:57 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

18:30:10 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

18:50:09 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

18:55:06 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

19:01:42 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

19:21:27 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:23:43 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:36:29 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

20:40:39 [laurav] :mmaruseacph2: ce-ai făcut la parţial ?:P

20:41:00 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:41:21 [mmaruseacph2] :eu cred ca 101%:P

20:41:51 [alexsandraa] ::>

20:41:58 [mmaruseacph2] ::D

20:42:12 [laurav] :good for you :D mm rulz

20:44:42 [mmaruseacph2] eh

20:44:50 [mmaruseacph2] la economie cred ca am gresit o chestie

20:44:55 [mmaruseacph2] :dar nu contesc:P

21:34:37 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

21:39:22 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

21:42:20 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

21:51:20 Sergiu [Sergiu@] entered the room

21:57:21 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

21:59:57 ddvlad [ddvlad@p5.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

22:02:27 [AlexJ] :ddvlad, am luat de pe stick și filmul tău..i shall watch it :P

22:03:08 [andrewbwm] :AlexJ: watching pr0n again?

22:05:03 [ddvlad] :AlexJ: gege

22:08:20 [AlexJ] ::)

22:14:59 [ddvlad] :http://moronail.net/img/2280_arbitrary_retarded_rollercoaster

22:49:27 [ddvlad] ACTION twitters "Îmi trece primul test \o/"

23:03:49 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

23:32:35 laurav1 [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

23:33:07 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

23:46:58 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

00:06:30 Sergiu [Sergiu@]quit IRC