08:58:54 [alexsandra] test

10:39:28 alexsandra [Alessand@]quit IRC

10:42:00 alexsandraa [Alexandr@] entered the room

11:16:46 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

11:28:43 ddvlad [ddvlad@] entered the room

11:29:00 [ddvlad] 'diminețile

11:32:26 ddvlad [ddvlad@]quit IRC

12:54:00 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

12:54:15 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

13:01:39 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room

13:01:55 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :la multi ani andrewbwm :)

13:02:20 [andrewbwm] :Sergiu[ROSEdu]: merci Sergiu

13:03:25 [stas] :si aci e un andrei :)

13:03:28 [stas] la multi ani

13:05:36 [andrewbwm] merci

13:06:24 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

13:06:37 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

13:17:55 [alexsandraa] :la multi ani andrewbwm !! Sa traiesti sa fii sanatos si la portofel gros! :D

13:24:35 [andrewbwm] merci

13:29:26 [alexsandraa] :ai putea face un bot sa zica merci de fiecare daca cand cineva iti spune astazi la multi ani :D

13:30:28 [laurav] :sau ar putea să-şi pună un status lame cu "mulţuuumeeesc la toaaată luuummea!!!!11 >:D<"

13:31:45 [alexsandraa] :sau nu :P

15:59:30 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:01:26 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

16:02:05 [stas] !alias m say Mersi

16:02:05 [Libertiny] :stas: Error: The "Alias" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "m" in it. Try "list Alias" to see the commands in the "Alias" plugin.

16:02:12 [stas] !alias add m say Mersi

16:02:12 [Libertiny] :stas: The operation succeeded.

16:02:14 [stas] !m

16:02:15 [Libertiny] Mersi

16:02:17 [stas] ::)

16:02:20 [andrewbwm] :weak:P

16:02:22 [andrewbwm] !m

16:02:23 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).

16:02:28 [stas] :ups :D

16:06:33 [andrewbwm] !m

16:06:34 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).

16:06:38 [andrewbwm] ciudat...

16:07:00 [andrewbwm] :stas: any help?

16:07:12 [stas] acu ma uit

16:07:23 [stas] nu inteleg dc nu vrea sa fie public accesibile

16:10:23 [stas] :andrewbwm: try !login

16:18:41 AlexJ [chatzill@emifarm.bacau.rdsnet.ro] entered the room

16:18:49 [AlexJ] wazzup

16:21:01 [andrewbwm] !login

16:21:04 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:21:05 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:21:10 [andrewbwm] ?

16:21:48 [stas] ok it sucks

16:35:29 [stas] :andrewbwm: solved :)

16:35:41 [andrewbwm] !login

16:35:41 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:35:43 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:35:46 [andrewbwm] !m

16:35:48 [Libertiny] Mersi

16:35:50 [andrewbwm] :da:P

16:36:11 [laurav] !login

16:36:13 [Libertiny] :laurav: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:36:15 [Libertiny] :laurav: Error: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.

16:36:15 [laurav] ::(

16:36:20 [andrewbwm] !alias add a say "Andrei e un şef"

16:36:22 [Libertiny] :andrewbwm: The operation succeeded.

16:36:24 [andrewbwm] !a

16:36:25 [Libertiny] Andrei e un şef

16:36:27 [laurav] ::))

16:36:40 [andrewbwm] my work here is done

16:37:11 [stas] ::))))))))

16:37:29 [stas] !pinky

16:37:30 [Libertiny] :Pinky: Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight? The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!

16:38:05 [laurav] :the pinky, the pinky.... the pinky & the brain-brain.. brain. :)

16:39:42 [AlexJ] hey! that's what i do every night

16:40:10 [andrewbwm] :AlexJ: *we

16:40:12 [laurav] :did you read the manual? :P

16:40:26 [andrewbwm] and just because I'm nice I'll let you be The Brain this time

16:40:32 [AlexJ] de fapt am stricat faza... trebuia săzic NARF!

16:40:49 [AlexJ] u u u u thank you thank you thank you

16:41:27 [AlexJ] :andrewbwm rulz :P

16:42:43 [andrewbwm] true that

16:56:56 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:58:02 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@]quit IRC

16:59:33 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

17:23:23 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room

17:36:20 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

17:41:49 AlexJ [chatzill@emifarm.bacau.rdsnet.ro]quit IRC

17:42:09 AlexJ [chatzill@emifarm.bacau.rdsnet.ro] entered the room

17:48:54 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@]quit IRC

18:05:39 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

19:05:51 Vali[Rosedu] [vali@] entered the room

19:05:59 Vali[Rosedu] [vali@]quit IRC

19:49:48 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

19:53:28 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:12:36 AlexJ [chatzill@emifarm.bacau.rdsnet.ro]quit IRC

21:58:42 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

22:39:53 alexsandraa [Alexandr@]quit IRC

22:56:47 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room

23:48:50 andrewbwm [Andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

00:02:00 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC