00:18:48 Sergiu [Sergiu@] entered the room
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00:49:09 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room
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08:33:48 Alexsandraa [Alessand@] entered the room
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10:57:35 [[ROSEdu]AlexJ] laurav, ce mai faci? ;;)
11:02:41 alexsandraa [Alexandr@] entered the room
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11:42:43 [ROSEdu]AlexJ [alexj@p6.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC
12:21:31 iriina [iriina@] entered the room
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12:35:35 alex3f [alex@] entered the room
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14:19:17 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :zomg a inceput weekly quest :P
14:19:31 [laurav] there is no fun
14:19:34 [laurav] :l-am terminat deja :(
14:23:35 [laurav] wa, unu are deja 5 pct
14:23:41 [laurav] deci a făcut primele 3 minim
14:24:52 alexsandraaaaa [Alexandr@]quit IRC
14:30:32 alexsandraa [Alexandr@]quit IRC
14:32:14 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :primele 2 le-am facut si eu in 2 minute :P
14:32:20 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :la al treilea mi-e lene :P
14:32:38 [laurav] ::(
14:34:36 alexsandraa [Alexandr@] entered the room
14:45:21 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@]quit IRC
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15:49:49 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC
16:43:08 andrewbwm [andrew@] entered the room
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17:16:12 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room
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19:15:47 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room
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19:30:51 [laurav] :Sergiu:
19:30:57 [laurav] :rosedu.org is down :-s
19:32:44 AlexJ [chatzill@emifarm.bacau.rdsnet.ro] entered the room
19:32:50 [AlexJ] :Sergiu: rosedu.org is down
19:33:28 [laurav] sad day for humanity
19:33:40 [Sergiu] naspa
19:33:45 [laurav] AJ unde rulează rosedu.org?
19:33:49 [Sergiu] stai sa il sun pe RD
19:33:49 [laurav] căci swarm merge ...
19:34:10 [AlexJ] mașina merge...ping e
19:34:12 [Sergiu] :rosedu ruleaza pe masina rosedu :P
19:34:16 [Sergiu] da?
19:34:18 [AlexJ] da
19:34:28 [AlexJ] cred că apache-ul e
19:34:37 [AlexJ] ssh merge
19:34:41 [AlexJ] btw...EU NU AM CONT!
19:34:57 [laurav] :nici eu :P
19:35:02 [Sergiu] fixed
19:35:04 [Sergiu] trist
19:35:07 [Sergiu] :ca nu aveti :P
19:35:46 [andrewbwm] :Sergiu: Warning! You require more evolution points in order to evolve from goblin to troll.
19:36:11 [laurav] :andrewbwm: lasă-l pe Sergiu în pace. Sergiu rulz!
19:36:23 [andrewbwm] ok, goblin chieftain
19:36:31 [andrewbwm] :now he rules again:D
19:37:16 [AlexJ] ce avea?
19:40:28 [Sergiu] yeey
19:40:29 [Sergiu] asa
19:40:49 [laurav] :Sergiu: rulz! :P
19:40:52 [Sergiu] cica era ceva cu limita de fork-uri
19:41:40 alexsandraa [Alexandr@]quit IRC
19:41:52 [AlexJ] srlsy?
19:42:08 [AlexJ] :Sergiu: stop kicking people off the channel
19:42:35 [Sergiu] I didn't kick "people", I kicked andrewbwm
19:45:02 [laurav] :i'll go now, mai da-ţi şi voi hinturi la ăia că s-au blocat la 7:(
19:45:41 [Sergiu] " da-ţi " O.o
19:45:54 [laurav] daţi
19:45:56 [laurav] ::(
19:46:06 [laurav] :mă duc la colţ :)
19:47:28 andrewbwm [andrew@] entered the room
19:47:51 [andrewbwm] i for one would like to welcome our new goblin overseers
19:48:00 [AlexJ] =))
19:50:04 [Sergiu] :ok, ultima strigare pt chestii weekly-quest related ca ma duc la darts :)
19:52:46 [Sergiu] going once
19:53:55 [Sergiu] going twice
19:54:20 [Sergiu] :gone :)
19:54:21 [Sergiu] papa
19:54:26 Sergiu [sergiu@]quit IRC
19:54:49 alexsandraaaaa [Alexandr@] entered the room
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22:05:02 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room
22:05:08 laurav [laurav@]quit IRC
22:05:25 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] I iz back, hello again
22:11:01 [alexsandraaaaa] Sergiu[ROSEdu], cand aflam rezultatele questului?
22:11:14 [alexsandraaaaa] sau macar o statistica (daca a terminat cineva sau nu)
22:14:45 Vali[Rosedu] [vali@] entered the room
22:14:47 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] buna intrebare
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