00:15:30 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@]quit IRC

00:27:00 [AlexJ] :in direct :P

01:04:39 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

01:52:09 alexsandraaaaa [Alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

02:03:27 stas` [stas@86-107-53-105.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

02:09:17 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

02:14:59 [laurav] ACTION decapitează. nighty night.

02:15:05 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

03:29:45 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

03:53:00 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

06:45:11 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

06:49:29 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

07:12:01 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

07:16:20 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

07:30:28 andrewbwm [andrei@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

07:34:49 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

08:08:12 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

08:08:44 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

08:13:57 alexsandraa [alexandr@] entered the room

08:58:34 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

09:01:17 [USO]andrei_simi [[USO]and@nat-251.cs.pub.ro] entered the room

09:01:21 [[USO]andrei_simi] hello

09:01:27 [USO]andrei_simi [[USO]and@nat-251.cs.pub.ro]quit IRC

09:27:31 [AlexJ] :alexsandraa, scoate pa pa-ul :|

09:31:54 [alexsandraa] ::))

09:31:56 [alexsandraa] ok

09:31:56 [alexsandraa] ::P

09:38:21 [alexsandraa] :AlexJ are si loguri botul de pe cs_uso si le poti arata studentilor ca se inregistreaza acolo cand ei intra sau ies sau scriu ceva :P

10:23:23 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

10:23:48 alex3f [alex@] entered the room

10:24:11 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

10:24:41 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

10:30:14 stas` [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

10:34:48 andrewbwm [andrei@] entered the room

10:35:00 alexsandraa [alexandr@]quit IRC

10:38:33 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

10:56:53 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

10:58:30 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

11:31:34 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

12:10:56 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

12:50:06 [ddvlad] :AlexJ: you there?

13:04:24 alex3f [alex@]quit IRC

13:04:54 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

13:28:08 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

13:33:23 [cojocar] .

13:35:16 [cojocar] !

13:38:53 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro] entered the room

13:42:24 stas` [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

13:43:08 stas` [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

13:55:15 stas [stas@86-107-52-231.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

14:09:00 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

16:53:20 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

16:53:58 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

16:54:21 roxanam [roxana@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

17:37:57 Sergiu[ROSEdu] [sergiu@] entered the room

17:44:07 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] hello

17:48:26 [andrewbwm] salut Sergiu

18:06:19 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

18:07:10 cojocar [lucian@] entered the room

18:10:02 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

18:10:18 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

18:10:55 cojocar [lucian@]quit IRC

18:11:57 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

18:49:32 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

19:12:04 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

19:22:27 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

19:41:20 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] l-am intrebat si pe Vali, care e cea mai buna metoda de masurare a timpului (pentru comparatii serial, openmp, mpi)

19:41:49 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] cu clock_t nu da rezultate corecte

19:47:40 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

19:53:11 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:06:15 _daniel_ [dan@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

20:14:58 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

20:15:08 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro] entered the room

20:22:11 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

20:28:38 stas [stas@86-107-52-104.Asconet.ro]quit IRC

20:29:27 alexsandraa [Alexandr@] entered the room

20:38:58 alex3f [alex@] entered the room

20:47:53 [mmaruseacph2] cine-mi da un e-pack?

20:48:03 [alex3f] eu

20:48:08 [mmaruseacph2] mersi

20:54:39 [martzy] salut

20:55:10 [mmaruseacph2] :salut, vezi că nu scrii unde trebuie:P

21:01:37 [mmaruseacph2] :am făcut un request for help, I really need that help:P

21:06:14 [AlexJ] hello

21:07:02 [mmaruseacph2] salut

21:11:12 roxanam [roxana@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

21:13:18 [laurav] :hello AlexJ :P

21:15:30 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] programul meu paralel merge mai prost ca ala serial, yey

21:16:03 [ddvlad] :Sergiu[ROSEdu]: devii inginer, bă :P

21:17:24 martzy [martzy@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

21:17:39 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] nu da' chiar nu inteleg de ce face asa

21:17:45 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] ca e un amarat de pragma omp for

21:19:26 [ddvlad] :Sergiu[ROSEdu]: oprofile ftw

21:22:04 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :i'll give it a try then :P

21:22:52 alexsandraa [Alexandr@]quit IRC

21:24:01 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] ddvlad, cu ce trebuia compliat?

21:24:08 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] ce flag-uri?

21:27:22 [Sergiu[ROSEdu]] :-ggdb, ms :)

21:59:57 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

22:00:00 [AlexJ] care sunteți la C3... la bd tema1, e serializabilă planificarea?

22:00:22 [alex3f] :AlexJ: ți-aș spune

22:00:39 [AlexJ] ::)))

22:53:50 [freenode-connect] VERSION

22:55:01 [laurav] :mmaruseacph2 : te-ai luat de agoia :(

22:55:52 [mmaruseacph2] :laurav, dap, merita:P

22:56:03 [alexsandraa] :aleluia a intrat si robertbot :-<

22:58:23 laurav [ieu@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

22:59:21 Sergiu [Sergiu@] entered the room

23:01:43 laurav [laurav@p9.eregie.pub.ro] entered the room

23:10:11 [ddvlad] :mmaruseacph2: când, mă? unde? :P

23:10:12 [mmaruseacph2] :forum uso?:P

23:10:34 Sergiu [Sergiu@]quit IRC

23:11:27 [freenode-connect] VERSION

23:32:59 andrewbwm [andrei@]quit IRC

23:34:54 [AlexJ] ddvlad, on?

23:35:00 [ddvlad] :AlexJ: off

23:35:08 [AlexJ] tu ți-ai făcut la bd, nu?

23:35:19 [ddvlad] da

23:35:36 [AlexJ] câte variante de planificări ți-au ieșit la 2?

23:36:44 [ddvlad] 11, dar am copiat de la roxana, eu nu am înțeles mai nimic pe-acolo ;-?

23:37:41 [AlexJ] aha..ok...mersi...încerc să mă prind...

23:39:32 mmaruseacph2 [mihai@p16.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

23:41:00 ddvlad [ddvlad@p5.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

23:44:13 Sergiu [Sergiu@] entered the room

23:51:45 Sergiu [Sergiu@]quit IRC

23:54:42 alexsandraa [alexandr@p9.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

23:55:59 cojocar [lucian@p22.eregie.pub.ro]quit IRC

00:02:32 stas [stas@86-107-52-106.Asconet.ro] entered the room